Monday, November 17, 2008

Dinner at Kinga's: Sunday Nov.16th, 2008

This Sunday Kinga cooked dinner in honor of Jay's (Oct. 24th) and mine (Dec. 9th) birthdays. Lisa and Rob also enjoyed this fabulous feast.

To start we had mushroom bruschetta...drank 3 bottles of delicious white...
for the main Kinga made roasted side of organic salmon... this was sooo good... she used rosemary which I usually hate, but it complemented this dish perfectly... leek and dill sauce... the picture is a bit deceiving... this was a beautiful green color... and very delicious..
roasted mini potatoes and carrots...
and this is my plate... I'm learning portion control :)
for dessert/our birthday cake Kinga baked a cheesecake (love cheesecake)... she went easy on the candles because together Jay and I are 67 years old... (we didn't want to set the fire alarm off)
the cheesecake was topped with white wine poached apricots and marmalade and drizzled with white chocolate...
it was perfectly dense and creamy..
Kinga is an excellent cook... the girl has it all... looks and talent in the kitchen...

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