Tuesday, August 26, 2008

late lunch on Monday with Jay

after a blissful hour at Hammam Spa... we crossed the street and ended up at the Bier Markt which opened a couple of weeks ago. I have finally learned to enjoy beer, and this place is great, great selection, and each brew served in it's own glass...

the name of the bier is written on the glass... mine looked more like a cocktail :)a basket of rolls, with flavored butter, that meleted in the sun as we enjoyed our meal
1/2kg of spicy mussels with some fresh cracked pepper...
chicken sandwich with a mini potato salad on the side... so fresh
and fries with 3 dipping sauces... perfect fries
some more bier... this time I ended up with a tall glass, and Jay drank from the kings' chalice...
and one more...

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