Monday, June 4, 2007

I'm fast...

Recently at my work, there was a major change in our intranet interface... basically it was a total system overhaul... but instead of making us more efficient it kind of is slowing us (well I shouldn't speak for everyone).. it's slowing me down.. simple tasks require a lot of clicking they didn't before...

Anyways, today I kept getting a combination of three errors... so I documented them and sent them off to my Boss along with screen shots of the said error examples...

Boss fired off my email to the department that handles such errors, QA... QA Manager got back to him with another email which in turn he sent to me..

Email from Boss:

I received the following response from the QA Manager. I have tried to get the same error and I could not.


I guess if it's only happening to me it's not really happening.....

Email form QA Manager:

"When we've recorded this issue in the past - it was due to clicking "process" too quickly (faster than the page could be populated). If they take a moment, the queue will catch up and populate it. If the user is doing something different, please let me know.
QA Manager"

My response to Boss:

"lol... so I'm faster at processing than my computer.... ummmm do I get a raise for that? ... hahahaha fine I'll slow down so that this piece of state of the art machinery can catch up to me.

Haven't heard back yet... but am hopeful :)

Tomorrow is my day off.. hopefully when I come back the errors have fixed themselves.

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