Sunday, February 4, 2007

The Bread Basket...

Having mentioned it in my last post I would like to expand on the bread basket. I have issues with bread baskets in upscale restaurants, when I'm served plain baguette with butter... I'm judgmental and usually don't care much for the place if they're that sloppy with something that simple.. My perfect bread baskets consists of at least 2 different types of bread.. and for crying out loud get the kitchen to make some kind of a dip.. butter is a lazy copout, oil and vinegar isn't much better...

Having said that, there is a restaurant that is an exception to the above, and that is The Keg.. their bread and butter is in a class of its own.. but all the rest of you out there who charge an average of $10 per appetizer and over $20 for main... you have no excuse..

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