Thursday, October 8, 2009

and this is how it happens...

This past Sunday I went to get my hair done... cut, color... the whole deal... While sitting in the colorist chair going through the book containing the rainbow of colors one can dye their hair... I found myself strangely attracted to the reds. I've done copper highlights in the past, but this time my colorist and I decided, what the heck... lets do the whole head... and we did. After the cut and the blow dry, I looked at myself... an I kind of liked it... it's a bit drastic, lighter than normal, but I didn't mind, it's just hair... it eventually grows out, fades out, and its time to color it again... but at the back of my mind something was nagging me... strangely I couldn't put my finger on it...

So I went home... got yelled at by the dogs, then leashed them up and took them out. As we are strolling through the park... the Girls running form bush to bush... smelling all the interesting stuff, and marking their territory... "Holy shit!!!" It dawned on me... "I look like my damned dogs!!!" These familiar shades of coppery red I was so drawn to, are the shades of their fur... I can't believe it.. this is how this strange phenomena of looking like your pet sneaks up on you... I like the colors because I love my pets... and boom... now I look like them too... well until Christmas anyways...

First two photos are the day I colored my hair... so it's blow dried beautifully straight... the only time it is styled that way...
without flash...
with flash...
and now it's a curly wavy coppery red mess